It is recommended to place travel notifications on your credit cards before traveling out of state, internationally, or outside your normal usage area. Travel notifications can be submitted by the card holder through the Affinity FCU Card App or Online Banking’s Self-Service Center.
To set a travel notification in the Affinity FCU Card App, complete the following steps:
- If you don’t have the Affinity FCU Card App, download from the Apple App Store or Google Play and sign up today. If you do, log in.
- After you successfully logged into the app, click Travel Notifications button.
- On the Travel Notices page, click the + to add a new travel notice.
- On the New Trip page, fill out the Where are you going? sections which include Add Destination, Add Departure Date and Add Return Date, then click Save Trip to complete the update.
- Your confirmation includes a success message, “Success: Your trip has been added.”
To set a travel notification from Online Banking or the Mobile Banking App, complete the following steps:
- Click Self-Service Center. Under the Self-Service Center tab, click the Request Center* button.
- Under the Card Services Request section, click Travel Notification button.
- After you click the Travel Notification button, the Travel Notification Form will open. Read the form and complete the required fields. Finish the process by clicking the blue Submit button at the bottom of the form. After you click submit, you completed the travel notification.
*Please confirm Third-Party Cookies and Pop-Ups are allowed when accessing the Request Center