To make a loan or credit card payment using an outside account, complete steps below
To Make a Payment from an External Account:
- Log in to Online Banking
- Go to the Pay & Transfer tab and click on Pay My Loan Using a Non-Affinity Account
- Click Get Started
- Click Pay from an External Account
- Select the Account Type, enter the Bank Name or Routing Number, and the Account Number twice.
- Your account may be instantly validated. If it is not eligible for instant validation, see steps below.
- You will receive trial deposits the next business day
- Once you receive the deposits, you will need to come back to this screen to validate the account
- The account must be validated within 15 days
- Once the account is validated, select Click here to pay from this account
- The Pay From account will preload, choose the Loan to pay
- Enter the Amount
- Choose the Initiate Payment on Date
Check off Repeat to set up recurring payments - Read the Terms & Conditions and check off the agreement box
- Click Continue
- Review the payment and check off the notification box if you would like one
- Click Make Payment
Please Note:
- The maximum payment amount is $9,999.99
- Only 1 payment can be made to each loan per day, even if paying from separate accounts
- Loan Payments submitted by 4:30 PM M-F on a business day will be processed and posted by 5:30 PM. Payments submitted after the cutoff will be posted on the next business day.